Onno Stijl
Practice for Energetic Therapy & Personal Coaching
Onno Stijl
Practice for Energetic Therapy & Personal Coaching
It is a known fact that everything is all down to energy, and that energy is the foundation of everything you do and experience in your life.
The purest energy is love, and that light guides you on the path of inner peace and elevates you to a higher consciousness.
By inspiring life’s insights, you will steer your life to a regenerated, positive feeling, and ultimately fitness in mind, body and soul.
Especially in the current climate, here is your chance to transform your natural, balanced self.
Start the exciting journey towards your true self, connecting with your heart, and I’d like to help you to get the flow of energy freely and feel balanced.
Discover and experience the definitive flow of (self) healing, happiness and prosperity.
I would like to help you on your journey.
Passion and dedication are the key elements to my work as an Energetic Therapist (Certified Healing Touch Practitioner CHTP).
As a realist, I know I stand at the midway of my life, and so I strive to make my connections with my client from the heart, based on this.
My aim is create a safe environment based on trust and room to breathe, where I meet my client at a level that clearly allows freedom to request help,even if non-verbal.
Everyone is unique. I undeniably believe that the challenge, and opportunity, is to support clients from a pure and loving approach, creating client-specific, deep personal insights into (self) healing, their prosperity, success and ultimately a return to experiencing true happiness.
Healing Touch promotes a loving, powerful, relaxing and healing bio-energetic therapy, with the ultimate goal of health and well-being, physically, emotionally,mentally and spiritually and to bring all those essential elements back into balance.
Healing Touch works from a holistic approach to your energy centres (chakras) and energy fields (auras), to support and strengthen your natural immunity, energy and self-healing. The flow of energy will have a positive effect on the balance between your mind and your body.
One session lasts approximately 75 minutes and consists of gentle manual application to (or above) the body, where the client can choose to be dressed in loose clothes or treated to a massage in a more comfortable posture. Seated treatment is also possible.
Healing Touch is a particularly appropriate therapy for people who have difficulties expressing themselves or even do not like to talk. With limited words and a few specially chosen questions, we can get to the bottom of how the client may require help.
Healing Touch is a clinically safe and scientifically-proven therapy for all ages, and can be used in parallel to other therapies, and/or combined with traditional health care.
As a therapist, I exercise strict confidentiality regarding your personal information, in accordance with the respected ethical code of Healing Beyond Borders (International Association).
International and continuous studies on results achieved with Healing Touch therapy in relation to conditions on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. Click here (in English) for recent studies, including stress and pain relief, anxiety, depression and cancer. Click here (in English) for an investigation of HT combined with guided imagery therapy where exceptional results have been achieved in reducing PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) symptoms.
-A Healing Touch session of 30 minutes for children till 16 years costs €35.
-A Healing Touch session of 75 minutes costs €70.
-A Energetic Trauma Healing of 90 minutes costs €95.
VAT: BE 0661.747.856
RPR: Antwerp